Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bomb Blasts, WHY?

Bomb blast incidents often make me wonder what is it that the people responsible for this want to achieve? Instilling fear in people and killing innocent people is not going to help in achieving anything. We live in a time when the whole world is connected, whether its the economy or environmental issues.
Despite this people around the world make barriers and borders which prevents a feeling of belonging. We all need to remember that we are human beings first and we are created in the same way, we are made of the same basic building blocks. Which country we belong to, what religion we follow are secondary things!
If can't be compassionate about the planet we are living on, if we can't have a feeling of oneness with our fellow human beings, we cannot overcome the problems the world is facing today.
The proverb 'united we stand, divided we fall' hols true in this situation and unity will the first step towards peace and harmony. 

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