Light is an electromagnetic wave. Our eyes use this light to see the world around us. But the wavelengths we can see are just a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
There are a lot of things that remain hidden from us because our eyes cannot view them. Why is this interesting? Because I believe there are among us people who perhaps see those unseen wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. Who are those people you may ask? I believe that blind people may see these wavelengths.
We say they cannot see anything; it's true they can't see things in the wavelengths we can, but that doesn't mean that they see nothing at all! They might see things from a completely different perception.
They can't describe it however, 'cause they don't know what they are seeing. It's as unknown to them as it is for us.
Close your eyes for a few seconds; notice that even when your eyes are closed, it's not completely dark. You can "see" specks of color against the darkness.
If we can still "see" with our eyes closed, then why not blind people, when their eyes are open? They might see something more fascinating than us!
The same goes for deaf people; they might not hear the same frequencies as us, but they might hear other frequencies!
I know this is something that can be proven only after a lot of research and experiments, but it is still a fascinating thought!
There are a lot of things that remain hidden from us because our eyes cannot view them. Why is this interesting? Because I believe there are among us people who perhaps see those unseen wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. Who are those people you may ask? I believe that blind people may see these wavelengths.
We say they cannot see anything; it's true they can't see things in the wavelengths we can, but that doesn't mean that they see nothing at all! They might see things from a completely different perception.
They can't describe it however, 'cause they don't know what they are seeing. It's as unknown to them as it is for us.
Close your eyes for a few seconds; notice that even when your eyes are closed, it's not completely dark. You can "see" specks of color against the darkness.
If we can still "see" with our eyes closed, then why not blind people, when their eyes are open? They might see something more fascinating than us!
The same goes for deaf people; they might not hear the same frequencies as us, but they might hear other frequencies!
I know this is something that can be proven only after a lot of research and experiments, but it is still a fascinating thought!
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